Twinning to build an industrial ecosystem around the core principles of Industry 4.0 and Digital Twin.


Exchange of expertise on digital twin technologies

Digital Twins

Machine Learning

Big Data

Twin4Twin is a project supported by the Horizon Europe Widening Work Programme.

The project aims to transfer knowhow and decrease the expertise gap between partners in top-tier countries and CORE IC.

Four main focus areas to spread excellence and achieve economic growth

Digital Twins - Scientific Excellence

Digital Twins - Scientific Excellence

Facilitate a digital twin deployment plan for easy uptake from CORE IC and provide a roadmap of strategic collaboration and scalable services among partners.

Technology transfer in digital twins & industry 4.0 technologies

Partners will exchange knowledge on digital twins related technologies, with the main goal of increasing CORE IC’s research excellence and innovation capacity in the field of digital twin technologies. This will include actions like shadowing activities, expert visits and trainings.

PhD and Internship programmes

The project will aim to develop PhD and Internship programmes in collaboration with universities across Europe, following the example of twinning partners. The programmes will strengthen the role of the participating higher education institutions in research and innovation in an industrial context.

R&I Management Upskilling

R&I Management Upskilling

Strengthen the research management and administration skills of CORE IC, focusing on activities beyond purely scientific capacities, including management and administrative capacity development.

Collaboration framework for R&I proposals

Improve the proposal preparation skills for R&I Horizon Europe and private projects for industrial partners.

Better organisation of the R&I Unit of CORE IC

Establish CORE IC’s R&I management unit and develop a handbook for R&I project management and administration informed by partners’ best practices.

Financial PM tool

Develop a web-based work management platform that unifies planning, controlling, execution and collaboration in projects to increase efficiency and collaboration.

Proposal-to-Project serious game

Organise interactive games during which attendees pursue a new way of thinking while developing a proposal concept step-by-step.

Business Development

Business Development

Establish stronger connections between CORE IC and other businesses and enhance strategic networking activities.

Partnership programme and stakeholder's platform

Develop the CORE IC Partnership programme, which will better link industry and academia in applied research and innovation. Also establish a stakeholders’ platform. The purpose is to identify, map and prioritise stakeholders and determine the best tactics for effective communication, while making the most of available resources.

Best practice atlas for DT technologies

Develop a best practice atlas for implementing industrial digital twins in Europe. The atlas will visualise industrial digital twin cases across Europe and provide easily accessible information to inspire partners and stakeholders.

Visit the Atlas

Greek Smart Factory

The project will aim to develop a business model for the creation a Greek Smart Factory (GSF), based on the twinning partner from Switzerland. The GSF could potentially serve as a southeast Europe pioneering test & demo facility for innovative Industry 4.0 technologies.

Research Project

Research Project

Twin4Twin will build on existing state-of-the-art lighthouse factory technology to integrate and test the collaborative digital twins on cloud- and edge- layers, implementing Machine Learning algorithms fed by a streamline of big data in a modular and reconfigurable setting.

Digital twins for additive manufacturing technologies

A virtual replica, using as test-bench the modular 3D printer used by the Switzerland Smart Factory (SSF), will be built. This digital twin will enable continuous monitoring using cutting-edge predictive capabilities, providing real-time insights on the manufacturing process and enabling operators to digitally simulate various real-life scenarios, analyse the results and optimise the overall process.

Increased technology maturity

Explore the potential of a test and demo platform to increase Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) from TRL4 to TRL6, before entering the real environment.

Greece’s first international Industry 4.0 conference was held on January 15-16, 2025. Hosted by the CORE Innovation Centre and funded by the Twin4Twin Horizon Europe program, the event united global leaders from industry, academia, and policy-making to showcase new trends, challenges, and successes in digital transformation.

Twin4Twin realises
the vision of CORE IC

CORE IC will observe and learn from its 3 twinning partners who are experts in their respective fields.

CORE IC is a non-profit research organisation dedicated to fostering an innovative industrial ecosystem.

It facilitates collaboration between industry leaders and research institutions by co-creating and developing cutting-edge Industry 4.0 Solutions.